今天我參加了傑米‧奧利佛在Banes & Noble書店的簽書會,沒想到除了簽書之外,還跟他聊了一下,我們還有握手和合照喔! 今天在書店賣的這本書還全數貢獻到慈善基金呦! 所以我說他真是個大好人(the good guy)! 我今天樂不思蜀呦!
[大紀元報]有他對英國的校園午餐發起「反垃圾食品運動」,你一定要看! 如果你有找到一些相關報導可以請你將將鏈結po給我嗎?
"Veni, vidi, vici." ("I came, I saw, I conquered") I met the non-other-than-the-real Jamie Oliver today!
Today I arrived at the bookstore around 1 P.M., there were still tons of people lining up there waiting to get their books signed by Jamie. The lady told me it was for charity so I bought the book immediately and lined up with everybody else. It didn't take took long when it was my turn. The people at the bookstore were very nice, told us to open the book to a certain page for signing. In the mean time, I suddenly could hear Jamie talking to the folks, just chatting very nicely. And I was so excited and nervous that when it was my turn, I was stuttered but finally got the words out, telling him I came from Taiwan and how I enjoyed so much using cooking as an approach to teach kids and how much they enjoyed it. Jamie then asked me how old they were. I told him they were from 5 to 7 years old. (actually the youngest ones are like two and a half!) Then he signed, we shook hands, took pictures, and I was so happy I felt everything went by like a dream. (which I have been doing pretty often these days due to fatigue, or concoction!?)
Now I'm proud to say that, "We met, we chatted, we shook hands."
Check out Jamie's website: www.jamieoliver.com (with more funny clips)
Wan An!
*Read more about Jamie Oliver at Barnes & Noble website and an interview video clip here.
*Another interview from New York Times here.
*An article from The Observer titled "The truth about school dinners: what happend when Jamie went home" here.
*Another article in New York Times that reflects on the same issued titled "Glorious Food? English Schoolchildren Think Not" here.
*More info about the show from Wikipedia here.
*Watch a clip of him promoting his show Jamie's School Dinners from YouTube below.
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