Thursday, October 25, 2007

07. Library Tour

Oh, I feel that I outta do this before going to bed. I haven't been updating for almost a week! Anyway, so many things happening here! I mean, I visited quite a few exciting places. What I feel most proud of is that I got my ass moving and to explore this city, as I should have done long ago.

First thing I did, I was determined to visit the library here in New York. I am not sure what to expect but since I have so many books on my mind that I want to read (and still in the process of reading several myself) I think that would be the utmost idea. First place for me, OUT OF MANHATTAN! And where? --Roosevelt Island.

Roosevelt Island is long, narrow island situated between Manhattan and Queens. You can see the both shores if you stand in the middle of the road. On one the Manhattan side, you see tall buildings and skyscrapers. You can even see Chrysler Building hiding amongst the rest of them; on the Queens side, a colossal factory silhouetted with four giant chimneys. And not much else. A bridge stands over the island, with its thick heavy metal structure that reveals its symbolism of industrialization. It's rather
charming in some ways. I found out that there was even a lighthouse on the north tip but I was just not ready to see it (yet). But I did take the privilege to ride on the cable car, or the 'tramway', the locals call it. I got Bob Dylan's Chronicles Vol. 1 there.

And yesterday, I was brace enough to start yet another adventure to the second library in Muhlenberg in Chelsea (across from the legendary Chelsea Hotel). In spite of the fact that it's not that big, I was able to find the book I wanted! I even took some time to read some magazines. Very happy there. Oh, I also got The Kite Runner. I couldn't wait to read it. As it turned out, I was reading
the Bob Dylan book at the Starbucks on Broadway and 47th Street until midnight. He's such a talent and I love his words.

After these petite triumphs, I was charged with fire to look for all the books that remain on my To-Read list. Something like that. It's so addictive! So I checked online for more books and where they were located then I began my book hunt like a hungry predator vying for my prey. I went to TWO libraries. Yes, TWO in a day! I will soon be qualified for the 'Libraries in New York Tour' haha. For my grand triumph today, I went to 58th Street Branch (mid-size) and then Donnell Library Center (across from MoMA, the biggest one so far), looting three DVDs (including No Direction Home: Bob Dylan). To top it off, I even got to study some Japanese in the reading area. Knowledge, man!

Tomorrow… I'm not sure. I need to finish these books in two weeks and plus all the movies that I haven't seen and my Japanese study… I guess I will it a day. Jimmy got me tickets to see Blue Man Group. Will report more later. (and hope the internet connection will be fixed by then)

Wan An!

Read on an interview of Bob Dylan from Rolling Stone Magazine here. His book review from New York Times here.



最近幾天看書的慾望不斷在燃燒中,尤其是發現了紐約公共圖書館之後,就像挖到寶似的,【一天一館】已經不符合我的需求了! ( 太誇張了吧!)

趁著薄薄秋意之際,到處走走,去一些別人可能不會去的地方(重點 :要避開人潮),讓我來探索一下紐約的小地方吧! 第一站,【羅斯福島】。

羅斯福島位在曼哈頓島和皇后區之間,她是一個狹窄長型的島。站在路中間你可以看到一邊是高樓矗立、壅擠的曼哈頓;另一邊卻是空曠無比、只看得見一個超大的工廠,頂著四只諾大的煙囪,但旁邊盡是綠油油的一片。而接他們的是一座具有重工業味道的鋼筋大橋,上面還有人、車、地鐵穿梭其中。最驚訝的是還有電纜車 ! 我當然得坐一下囉!(看夜景棒極了 !)島上的北端還有一個燈塔,但是我應該下次再造訪吧。

總而言之,我在羅斯福島分館借了一本書,巴布‧狄倫的自傳。我已經等不及要讀了! 隔天,我在穆倫堡 (在雀爾喜區)分館借了一套有聲書、今天還去兩間分別在第 58街的分館、第53街的登尼爾圖書中心 (MoMA現代美術館的對面) 找到了我想看的DVD。多虧我事前有做功課所以一下就找到了! 我還用了一點時間在那裏讀了一下日文文法,真是充實!(偷笑)

明天我想應該要好好消化這些書,加上日文檢定考日子逼近,先把手上的書看完再說吧! 歐,我明天晚上要去看一個外百老匯的秀叫做【The Blue Man Group( 藍人組),就是以前幫INTEL拍廣告的那三個 "藍人"。再告訴你好不好看吧 !



Monday, October 22, 2007

06. The 'Trump' Brand

They say that Donald Trump owns nearly a quarter of New York. And he is sure good at marketing himself and making a brand of his own name. For instance, Trump Tower, Trump Hotel, Trump Bar, and even Trump Ice Cream!(I wonder how it tastes like). His new book ' Think Big and Kick Ass in Business and Life ' has aroused quite some stirs in New York. Bill Maher called his book 'doesn't have a smart title' (under research, check back soon ), but I was actually quite anxious about having a glimpse of the New York real estate mogul. But as I was preparing for the TOEFL test I missed a few book signings. But that doesn't matter. I went to visit his house today at Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue. (see picture)

This one is the set of ' The Apprentice', where all the actions took place. Dude, wasn't I a big fan of the show or what. I used to get so psyched about it just when the title theme ' Money, Money, Money' started to play. I was a really good show. (The first few seasons.) Anyway, it really opened my eyes. So when I actually entered the building, it was as if I suddenly became one of the contestants! And I even took the very elevator (after, u-huh, the rest room) and the best(worst?) part was as I walking out, pushing the revolving door, I could almost hear the background music playing in my head. (This is what happens after Donald says to them, " You're fired!")

Ok, there you go. I've been dreaming about making it big in the big apple... but for now. Let's sit down for a cup of Latte and some Banana Nut Loaf on the 2nd floor. Unfortunately, it wasn't 'Trump Coffee' or 'Trump Cake'.

Wan An!


Thursday, October 18, 2007

05. "Tuo-fu" (not food, ok?)

"Tuo-fu"(托福), in Chinese, refers to the TOEFL test. And yes, the devil
has caught me.(Help!)

Lately, I've been so overwhelmed preparing for the TOEFL test which I
enrolled two weeks ago. It's kind of mad when one come think about
how obsessed I am with this test. Not that it is so difficult or
anything (it sure isn't easy) but how much I ANTICIPATE myself to
achieve. It's just mad.

I can easily drive myself crazy even just I made a little bit of
mistake, especially during the Speaking Test part. Come on! People!
Stop saying "It's easy! For some one's level like you." First of all,
thank you for saying that. But the truth is I also get pressure from
myself (which is the biggest BTW). It feel like I'm trapped in a cave
looking for a way out but not sure if there are any that exist. I made
a big mistake by holding myself high so that when I drop, it damn

Tomorrow afternoon is the test, I hope, I know I'm gonna make it
alright (after all those practice) but I definitely can't get careless
or the price may be expensive (ca. $150USD). Okay, it's silly to think
about failing so just do my best and we'll see.

Wish me luck and fingers crossed!








下回回報分數了! 晚安!


Saturday, October 13, 2007

04. Autumn in New York

I know, I know, you wanna tell me this sounds so cliché. I guess what I was trying to say was, that autumn has finally arrived here in New York. After Columbus Day, the temperature suddenly dropped down to 54 degrees F (about 15 decrees C). And even the sky has turned gray. After a couple of rainy days, today is finally another clear day with better weather. I was surprised to find that I actually had been expecting this weather for a long time. I mean, while I was in London, it was bloody cold and when I got here, it felt like summer for like a month (Hallelujah!) and finally, the best season in New York has arrived. Great!

So, what have I done in such seasonal time? I rode the bicycle around town (3 blocks to the supermarket), walked around in Central Park(looking for a restroom), and, MADE A PIZZA!(now, what's that got to do with this?) Aha! My first pizza in New York.

Wan An and bon appétit!


雖然這句【Autumn in New York】聽起來很老套,但是我要說的是,紐約的秋天終於在千呼萬喚中露出微笑了。其實我以經期待這一刻滿久了,因為人家都告訴我【紐約的秋天最美】。歷經了倫敦酷冷不安定的天氣之後,來到紐約可說是宛如夏天一般(阿彌陀佛!),讓我好好享受一下這裡的夏日陽光,而一切都在 哥倫布日之後落幕。從前天開始天氣就一直變天,一下冷到15度左右,但是老實說,我還覺得這種天氣不錯呢!

出去走走吧! 騎著單車(到附近不到五分鐘的超市),走在中央公園裡(找廁所),還在朋友家裡做了一個比薩(好像跟主題不搭?),重點是,秋老虎走了,冬天的腳步近了。

晚安! 請好好享用我做的比薩吧!(不要再流口水了!)

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

03. Columbus Day

It was Columbus Day yesterday. Although it is said that Columbus didn't even quite make it to the mainland of America, he was credited for the discovery of this new continent. Well, I guess it's like when you work for someone higher, they always take the credit? (Don't argue, it's true!)

For the first time, I was going to Queens to meet up with a new friend of ours, Luis, who can speak perfect Chinese and always has jokes to share with us. He's so funny. We met up last week at Barnes &Noble and he heard me and my roommate talking in Mandarin. Suddenly there was a white guy asking,"你們是從台灣來的嗎?"(Are you guys from Taiwan? ) And we were so shocked and amazed. So we started chatting and the rest was history. It turned out he used to study in China for a year and later 3 months in Taiwan. He thinks Taiwan is a gem and is the most fantastic place to be! In less than a second, we became friends immediately. (haha)

So, back to Columbus Day. Luis invited us to Flushing, formerly a.k.a. "Little Taipei" (now it's more like "Little Korea"), for Sha-bu Sha-bu (Japanese hot pot) so we were excited about the whole Taiwanese eatery fuss. For me, it was another thrill because I've never been to Queens so it's another exploration for me(like Columbus!) expanding my territory of the new continent. And it turned out Queens is such a nice place with little shops and streets that are not so hectic as in Manhattan. There were full of of Asian, Hispanic people. One certainly can spot the town that it's known for.

We went to 【牙虎涮涮鍋】(Yahoo Sha-bu Sha-bu) and it was like suddenly I was back in my homeland! The deco and the smell of the food... Luis is very good at making me homesick! The whole setting made me felt right at home and it was time to have some Taiwanese feast. We had a satisfying meal and then headed to SAGO, which means tapioca in Tagalog, for some Bubble Tea(珍珠奶茶). We had so much fun chatting and making fun of the Beijing accent that we got eyed quite a few times. But who cares! We're in America and it's a free country! We just had such a blast.

After the Bubble Tea, it was late and time to go home. Like some might say, "Let's go, sago!"


Monday, October 8, 2007

02. Starstruck

Borders is one of the biggest chain bookstores in America. They often hold book signings and stuff. And I've been anticipating this coming event: A performance and signing from Ethan Hawke promoting his latest work, The Hottest State, which written and directed by himself. I took note of it in my calendar like 2 weeks ago and even gave up a trip to Boston. And before I knew it, the day had arrived.

Well, I like him in the movie Before Sunrise, Gattaca, and even dated back to Mystery Date. Anyway, I heard he wrote a book, had a band, and now he's going to perform right in the bookstore, I couldn't get more excited to find out. But this was really not my day. When I got there, it was way passed the session and, actually it was already the END of the session. As soon as I stepped in the bookstore, they were putting away the folding chairs already. Oh, no!

"I knew it!" I told myself, feeling regret and frustration, I just stood by the bookshelf checking out the other titles instead while getting a grip of the last moments (while everything was ending) and then BOOM! There I saw Ethan Hawke still hanging around, talking to the staff or audience or whatever, he was all cool, friendly and nice. Well, I actually wanted to take a quick photo but gave up the thought (I'm no paparazzi!) and anyway, I saw him shaking people's hands and saying thank-yous, and then put on his shades and my direction!!

Relax! He was just walking pass by me. But to me, that was already starstruck enough. Wow, he walked passed by me and I wanted him to be in my movie! (aha!) I remember walking in Vienna back in 1998, I couldn't help but to felt as if I was in Before Sunrise the movie itself. I tried to look for the scenes and places where he and Julie Delpy walked by. I think I found the fountain and that was that. Such a romantic movie. And of course, Before Sunset was also great. I love that director Richard Linklater.

Seems like New York is getting brighter and brighter with the stars that pass by me. Literary.

Borders是美國一間有名的連鎖書店,並且也常常舉辦例如與作家面對面、新書發表等等活動。數周前我就已經聽說有一場伊森霍克的簽名會,期待了好久終於這一天來到了!這是為了他自編自導的新片【最炎熱的國度】作宣傳。還會有現場表演呢! 伊森霍克的作品大家還熟悉吧? 沒聽過的人google一下吧!

沒想到...等我到的時候竟然已經在收椅子了!! 擎天霹靂!!虧我還特地留在紐約沒去波士頓說!我就眼睜睜的看著工作人員把椅子一張張的收起來,我只好在旁邊的書架上隨便翻翻書,就在這個時候...伊森出現了!!

原來他還在跟工作人員聊天! 我雖然很想偷偷拍一下照,但是怕被誤認為狗仔(有拿傻瓜偷拍的狗仔嗎?)想想便作罷。就在這個時候,他跟大夥兒握手道別,戴上太陽眼鏡後便朝我這個方向走來!天哪! 頓時好像時間暫時停止一般,平常電影裡、電視螢幕裡的大明星,就和我擦身而過,我想只有在紐約才會有這樣的際遇吧? 頓時覺得紐約真是星光閃閃! 日不暇給呀! 下次追星要早點出門!!


01. Wan An New York!

Whow! I can't even believe that I am writing another new blog! This time I'm reporting from New York City, the capital of the world (don't try to argue with a New Yorker... but not me la!)

I hope to bring the latest reports and news and stories to make it a journal rather than a memoir. That means: Write a few posts per week rather than write a book about if after like 6 months.

Comments and questions are all welcome. Just post it here or email me!
